
Unique in design and theme, each Pop-Up Chapel works with some of the best-in-class vendors in the city to bring our vision to life and create a one-of-a-kind experience for our couples! Based in Toronto, Rachel Hunt Photography has worked on over 6 Chapels capturing the most beautiful portraits and detail photos. She has an eye for shooting moments that tell a deeper story and the ability to make couples feel relaxed and at ease during their session!

Tell us a little about yourself, how long you have been in the industry and your business.

I’m Rachel & I live in London Ontario with my wife and our son! I moved here for the photography program, and met my wife, so I just never left. I’ve been shooting weddings for 10 years, but had my own business for 7! I never thought I would shoot weddings, but I fell madly in love with them, and I’m never turning back!

Which chapel has been your favourite?

I think my favourite chapel was the farmhouse peach one at evergreen brickworks. The cheesecloth, and colours were so romantic and gorgeous. I also love the indoor/outdoor vibe at brick works!!

What do you love about working in the wedding industry?

Oh, SO MANY THINGS. I love how many vendors I get to meet and create alongside. I love that I get to meek amazing couples and actually get to know them and share in their love story. I love love, and documenting such a special day for someone. And lastly, I love that something that by the books is always the same, can be SO different. Every single wedding I’ve ever shot (and that’s a lot) has been so special and so unique, and that’s the coolest thing to me.

How is the chapel unique to your typical work/weddings? What do you love about it?

I love the atmosphere of pop up chapel. Every single couple and every vendor are just so excited to be there. It’s such a unique day! I love how many amazing couples I get to meet, and how they can have a stress free and STUNNING wedding, for so much less than an average wedding would cost. Every single detail of pop ups decor is always breathtaking and crafted by hand, so there’s even more love put into it. I just love ALL OF IT!

If you could design a chapel what theme would you pick?!

Oooooh, can there be a pop up chapel with like rescue puppies? Pop up chapel is already amazing, but puppies are the only thing that could make it better (I’m a hugeeeee dog lover haha).

What are your favourite types of photos to capture, your influences, and your favourite moment during a photo session?

I love taking photos of the couple, right after they’re married, it’s such a fun and exciting time to document! I’m influenced by so many people. I have so many friends who are also such talented photographers and we all inspire and create together, and use each other to better ourselves.

My favourite moment during a photo session is when you can see the couples walls come down and let you in. You can literally see the change in comfort levels when you look at the photos. I get my couples comfortable by asking questions, playing games and just being my weird self with them!!

During the months of quarantine, have you found a new hobby or project you've grown to like?

I just had a baby the day before Covid shut down Ontario, so he’s kept us pretty busy! I’ve used this year to work on projects around our house, and working on growing myself as a photographer. I’ve been investing time and money into workshops and education, learning new tricks for editing, and looking to do updates to my website and other areas that need a refresh! I have my camera out lots to take pictures of Jaxon as he grows, and honestly I shot so many small elopements this year, that I got more time to work with my couples and push the envelope!

To learn more about Rachel Hunt’s awesome work, check out her page!
Rachel Hunt Photography | @RachelHuntPhotography


