
Unique in design and theme, each Pop-Up Chapel works with some of the best-in-class vendors in the city to bring our vision to life and create a one-of-a-kind experience for our couples! Based in Toronto, Photographer Alicia Thurston has worked on over 7 Chapels capturing beautiful portraits and detail shots that focuses on the couples laughs, smiles, tender moments and unique personalities - all that comes to life through her incredible art!

Tell us a little about yourself, how long you have been in the industry and your business.

I'm a creative, romantic at heart. I didn't always know I wanted to be a wedding photographer but when I found myself going down that path, it made complete sense. In 2021, I'll be celebrating my 10th year as a wedding photographer!

Which chapel has been your favourite?

Oh, my favourite chapel, that's a hard one. I think it would be a toss up between the first double header in September 2019 at Evergreen Brickworks or this years dreamy orange design in September, also at Evergreen Brickworks - I guess it's one of my fave venues but I also just swoon over the floral installations at those two and think the space compliments the LBL designs so well!

What do you love about working in the wedding industry?

I love working in this industry because I've been able to be a part of some really magical days and moments. It's pretty special to spend your life capturing one of the most exciting and memorable days in a couples life. I feel very thankful that I get to create with people during a really happy time, it's heartwarming and keeps me smiling.

How is the chapel unique to your typical work/weddings? What do you love about it?

The chapel is definitely unique in many ways. It's made up of the two best parts of a wedding, in my opinion, the ceremony and the creative portrait session. It certainly keeps me hustling and on my toes all day but it's fun to see so much love come through the chapel in one day, each couple connected in their own beautiful way.

If you could design a chapel what theme would you pick?!

I love boho - gorgeous vintage furniture, lush floral installations and lots of velvet and macrame in rose, rust, mineral green and deep blue tones.

What are your favourite types of photos to capture, your influences, and your favourite moment during a photo session?

When a couple is willing to trust me and have fun with their creative portraits, that's the absolute best! We can really create magic together, I want to see a couples truest connection and tell their story. My biggest influences aren't wedding photographers but their style is still an influence on my work, Richard Avedon and Annie Leibovitz. Both photographers seek (or sought) to capture the essence of their subject, even if it wasn't always pretty. Avedon and Leibovitz's style is clean, vivid and technically masterful.

During the months of quarantine, have you found a new hobby or project you've grown to like?

Oh COVID, you have changed our world. There has been a lot of struggle for everyone through COVID and I think it's going to take a long time to recover but I also see so many ways it could and has changed things for the better. I see families spending more time together. I see couples realizing that they can still have the most amazing wedding with a few of the people who mean the most to them. I see people re-evaluating what makes them feel good and seeking a new path if necessary. As hard as it has been and continues to be, I choose to look at all the positives we are gaining. My kids are homeschooling now and I'm sure that never would have happened before COVID-19, turns out it could be the best thing for them. My daughter and I tried our hand at a YouTube Channel, it's not for me but it got her started on something she is really interested in pursuing. I try to stay creatively inspired by trying new things, I like working with my hands so if I'm not busy with work then you might find me knitting, weaving and always taking photos of my kids so my camera is never too far away.

To learn more about Alicia Thurston’s awesome work, check out her page!
Alicia Thurston Photography | @AliciaThurstonPhotography


